Sustainable Denim Development

Denim Design Consulting and Support

Sustainable Denim Development

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We Changed It !

Sustainable denim development

Sustainable Denim Development

Never use pp, stone, manual processes, or hazardous products.

#ozone #eflow #denim #sustainability

Contact Us

TOUM DENIM © is a denim consulting firm that provides advice to the denim washing and dyeing industry around the world. We can wash & develop your denim collections with our “Denim Consulting” service for you in line with your customer and timelines. So, We believe that only development process is not enough and we support you during the production transition. Finally, We offer education to the individuals and groups in the theory and practise of textile washing.

We strongly believe that sustainability is the future of washing. It is not a trend.That’s why we work and train this way with all our power. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

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