Denim   Consulting   

Every Drop of Water is Worth For Us

TOUM DENIM © is a denim consulting firm that provides advice to the denim washing and dyeing industry around the world


We can wash & develop your denim collections with our Denim Consulting service for you in line with your customer and timelines.


We Believe that only development process is not enough and we support you during the production transition.


We offer education to the individuals and groups in the theory and practise of textile washing.


Brand new Denim Consulting Solutions unlimited designs and customization possibilities

Latest News

Dyedlook toum denim consult


Dyedlook Dyedlook , Our new process applying in any dyed colour including reactive dyestuffs. With these methods, we will get any effect on every dyed fabric with a very less[…]

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Collabration between toum denim and global wash

Collaboration with Global Wash

We are pleasure to announce the start of our new collaboration with Global Wash #teamwork #sustainablefashion #savetheplanet #futureoffashion #ecofashion  #globalwashcreation #denimlovers #toumdenim Vishu kakkarRahul Kakkar ( globalwash india) Jeanologia Tonello Kaiser Tekstil

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New Sustainable Denim Development

New Sustainable Denim Development

New sustainable denim development. NowashJust the way it is… Sustainable Denim Development   We strongly believe in near future we will eliminate all hazardous products from denim washing and denim[…]

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A few things we’re great at

Sustainable Washes

We strongly believe that sustainability is the future of washing. It is not a trend. That’s why we work and train this way with all our power. Sustainable development is development that meets the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Great Deals!

We still lack the know-how and technologies to be 100% sustainable washes; but we are already doing a great deal and we can move forward.
Ω By reducing the water consumption required by treating garments
Ω By reducing the temperatures, required energy and CO2 emissions.
Ω By using chemicals with lower environmental impacts.

How Do We Do That?

Ω Create washed look over denim by laser
Ω Create bleached look by ozone process
Ω Using less water by nano-bubble technology
Ω Reducing of washing and drying process
Ω Using eco-sustainable chemicals

Our Happy Clients

Check Out Our References

Island denim Logo
Hugo Boss Reference - 1
Kenpark Reference Logo

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